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ចង់ប្តូរការងារ ឬ កំពុងស្វែងរកការងារ​​ ផ្វើសារឥឡូវនេះ

Write in English “Environment Protection[ការការពារបរិស្ថាន]” at least 120 words

ប្រលងឆមាសលើកទី១ ថ្នាក់ទី១២ (សម័យប្រឡងៈ ២៧ កុម្ភៈ ២០០៦)

In Cambodia, science and development have changed our environment. They have also helped us to understand our environment and know that it is important. As a result, it has taught us to be concerned about it. Looking at our environment now, how much do we care about it? In newspaper, we often read about the changes that have been happing to our environment because people do not care enough about it. For example, many kinds of animals have completely disappeared from the word we live in. Why? People have been killing wild animals for food, for their skins or for these body parts which have a high market price. Other animals have died because people have been cutting down the tree in those areas where they live. More animals have died because of pollution. In closing, we have polluted rivers as well as the air. People and animals use there rivers for drinking water and suffer as a result. Thus caring about our environment mean that we have keep our local environment clean and tidy, and it I also our responsibility. Obviously, we have to plant the tree and must not throw the trashes in public area such as markets, cities, towns, schools, pagodas, gardens and tourism sites. We have to put the litters in the trash bins. Furthermore, the government or authorities must fine the people who break the law. Environment clean, we have a good health and happiness.



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