2021-07-29 17:49
ចង់ប្តូរការងារ ឬ កំពុងស្វែងរកការងារ ផ្វើសារឥឡូវនេះ
Answer 1
Angel & Hannah by Ishle Yi Park
ដោយ : Charlie 3 years ago
The sweeping, unforgettable story of an interracial couple in 1990s New York City who are determined to protect their love against all odds—a reimagining of Romeo and Juliet. Page count: 192
Rhode Island Red by Charlotte Carter
The first book in the Nanette Hayes Mystery series introduces us to jazz-loving, street busker Nanette, whose love life leads her into some very hot water. Page count: 192
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez
Mariana Enriquez has been critically lauded for her unconventional and sociopolitical stories of the macabre. Written with a resounding tenderness toward those in pain, in fear, and in limbo, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed is Enriquez at her most sophisticated, and most chilling. Page count: 208
Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder
In this blazingly smart and voracious debut, an artist turned stay-at-home mom becomes convinced she’s turning into a dog. An outrageously original novel of ideas about art, power, and womanhood wrapped in a satirical fairy tale, Nightbitch will make you want to howl in laughter and recognition. And
Love Poems for the Office by John Kenney
John Kenney is back with a collection that tackles the hilarity of life in the office. From waiting in line for the printer and revising spreadsheet after spreadsheet, to lukewarm coffee, office politics, and the daily patterns of your most annoying—and lovable—coworkers, Kenney masterfully captures
Larry Page Biography
Larry Page is an internet entrepreneur and computer scientist who teamed up with grad school buddy Sergey Brin to launch the search engine Google in 1998.
Larry Ellison life background
Larry Ellison is the founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation, which earned him a spot as fifth wealthiest person in the world in 2014.
Warren Buffett life Background
Known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett is an investment guru and one of the richest and most respected businessmen in the world.
Facebook Boss Mark Zuckerberg Life background
Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York, and was raised in nearby Dobbs Ferry. He was born into a well-educated family and developed an interest in computer programming at an early age.
Top hidden world richest Mr. Bernard Arnault life background
Bernard Arnault, (born March 5, 1949, Roubaix, France), French businessman best known as the chairman and CEO of the French conglomerate LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, the largest luxury-products company in the world.
Commission on transportation Service VS transportation Service ខុសគ្នាម៉េច( សកម្មភាពអាជីវកម្មសម្បង)?
ដោយ : Mon Piya 10 months ago
Commission on Transportation Service:
ដោយ : HENG 1 year ago
ដោយ : វង់ អុី 1 year ago
ដោយ : KHON KAKADA 1 year ago
ដោយ : Thanakbuth Nut 1 year ago
ពេលខ្លះស្នាមញញឹមដែលស្រស់ស្អាត មើលទៅហាក់ដូចជាមានក្តីសុខវាអាចបង្កប់នូវភាពឈឺចាប់ និងការអត់ធន់ជាច្រើនរាប់មិនអស់។ អ្នកណាទៅគិតនោះថាមនុស្សតែងតែរីករាយគ្រប់ពេលបែរក្លាយទៅជាមនុស្សដែលសោកសៅ នឹងជួបរឿងរ៉ាវមិនសមបំណងរឿងដ៏ថ្នាក់នេះនោះ។ ញញឹមលាក់ការឈឺចាប់ មនុស្សជាច្រើននាក់ បានជ្រើសយកការញញឹមមកធ្វើជាមិត្តដ៏ល្អរបស់ខ្លួន ទ
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