កម្មវិធីប្រឡងចម្រៀងកុមារលំដាប់ថ្នាក់ពិភពលោក The Voice Kids Cambodia, វគ្គ The Battles សប្ដាហ៍ទី ៣
ម៉ា រ៉ាស្ទីណា VS លឹម អេរៀល VS ចាន់ ស្រីខួច
ច្រៀងបទ៖ ខ្យល់បកចូលភ្នែក
Many countries in the world are facing natural disasters, including volcano explosion, earth quakes, droughts and famines. The disaster which is the most worries for the people is hurricane because it has many bad influences on the people.