2017-11-06 18:51
ចង់ប្តូរការងារ ឬ កំពុងស្វែងរកការងារ ផ្វើសារឥឡូវនេះ
Answer 1
ប្រទេសដែលវិនិយោគលើវិស័យសំណង់កម្ពុជាច្រើនជាងគេចមានចំនួន ៥ប្រទេស គឺ ប្រទេសចិន ប្រទេសកូរ៉េខាងត្បូង ប្រទេសជប៉ុន ប្រទេសជប៉ុន និងប្រទេសថៃ ។
ដោយ : Novel Collection 7 years ago
ក្នុងវ័យទើបតែ១៧ឆ្នាំ សុជីវីលង់ស្រលាញ់នឹងបុរសម្នាក់ រស់នៅផ្ទះជិតខាងរបស់នាងឈ្មោះរង្សី។ ចំណែកបុរសធ្មេញច្រពើសម្នាក់នេះ អាយុបងនាងបួនឆ្នាំ ហើយរៀននៅមហាវិទ្យាល័យក្នុងនាមជាសិស្សពូកែម្នាក់។ អានបន្ត ស្នេហ៍ក្បែររបង
The Way of Act and Defense - Gong Shou Dao by Jack Ma
ដោយ : Movies 7 years ago
Not only the Founder and CEO of Alibaba group, Jack Ma is a master of songs and dances and now he is moving into a realm of martial arts. Jack Ma who has interest in traditional Chinese culture and, in particular, Tai Chi will perform a 20-minute movie called Gong ShouDao which mean in English "The
Monopoly Board Game By Rich Dad
ដោយ : LittleStyle 7 years ago
Known as the best game that Mr.Robert Kiyosaki has played since he was a child with his rich dad. The game could train people especially children to get ware of using Money in a smart way and to train them to be come rich. The game is easily understood and we don't need to find much time to learn or
Bright, Nice Western Designed and Furnished $750/Month
ដោយ : Property 7 years ago
The apartment is located in Toul Kork , with distance about 5 minutes from Thai Huot Supermarket, is a convenient location that provides cozy living with privacy environment. The nice and bright apartment offers premium quality and comfortable furniture from concept of design and features such as wi
The Areng Valley – adventure in the Cardamoms mountains
ដោយ : Travel 7 years ago
To join the Areng Valley is already an adventure: after a few hours by bus, you must ask to the driver to stop… nowhere! It is just an intersection, with a sandy road going into the jungle. Read more
តើជនជាតិខ្មែរប្ររព្ធពិធីបុណ្យហាឡូវីនឬទេ? ភាគច្រើនប្ររព្ធនៅកន្លែងណា?
ដោយ : Hokheng Hou 7 years ago
Half day cycling tour in Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia
Everyone who enjoy cycling activities will never find it hard to find the bike road anymore. Bikemap.com a website you can find recommended bike map for several location, especially the tour and city places. Here is one of the bike road from Siem Reap to Angkor Wat with distant of 21km by pathing m
Static Route to Provide Network Connectivity between each PC
This lab is focusing on basic Static Route, Vlan, Telnet, used to connect all network together in order to provide network connectivity between each PC (refer to the network topology), telnet to relevant equipment. Material: 1.Two 1841 Cisco Routers 2.Four 2950-24 Cisco Switch 3.Four PC
Question and Answer and Blog, Why Using KhSearch.com?
ដោយ : KhSearch 7 years ago
The purpose of KhSearch is quite seem and easy and quick. KhSearch is an everyone social place for Question & Answer, Blog. We have started the Question & Answer to meet people requirement and tend to have many questions and trying to find the answers which most of them times it find hard and long t
បញ្ចុះតម្លៃ 50%ពី Café’ Chapayom នៅក្នុងបុណ្យហាឡូវីន
សម្រាប់ទិវាបុណ្យហាឡូវីនឆ្នាំនេះ យើងឃើញមានប្រូម៉ូសិនច្រើនណាស់ ។ ហើយក្នុងនោះក៏មានប្រូម៉ូសិនពី Cafe’ Chapayom ដែរ គឺចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 24 – 31 ខែតុលានេះ។
Commission on transportation Service VS transportation Service ខុសគ្នាម៉េច( សកម្មភាពអាជីវកម្មសម្បង)?
ដោយ : Mon Piya 11 months ago
Commission on Transportation Service:
ដោយ : HENG 1 year ago
ដោយ : វង់ អុី 1 year ago
ដោយ : KHON KAKADA 1 year ago
ដោយ : Thanakbuth Nut 1 year ago
ពេលខ្លះស្នាមញញឹមដែលស្រស់ស្អាត មើលទៅហាក់ដូចជាមានក្តីសុខវាអាចបង្កប់នូវភាពឈឺចាប់ និងការអត់ធន់ជាច្រើនរាប់មិនអស់។ អ្នកណាទៅគិតនោះថាមនុស្សតែងតែរីករាយគ្រប់ពេលបែរក្លាយទៅជាមនុស្សដែលសោកសៅ នឹងជួបរឿងរ៉ាវមិនសមបំណងរឿងដ៏ថ្នាក់នេះនោះ។ ញញឹមលាក់ការឈឺចាប់ មនុស្សជាច្រើននាក់ បានជ្រើសយកការញញឹមមកធ្វើជាមិត្តដ៏ល្អរបស់ខ្លួន ទ
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